Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Enriched 01-09-2013

Hope you all were well prepared for today's in-class writing assessment...wait...what am I saying...of course you all were.  You are all diligent, industrious students who care about your learning.  Anyway, I can't wait to read what you were thinking.  Are people basically good?  Does the past matter?  Are we  individuals first or parts of society first?  What IS really important in life?  Good reading ahead, no doubt.

Remember to complete your Nuremberg Defense analysis tonight.  Have the completed writings printed off and in class tomorrow.  We'll spend a bit of time organizing the info, do a gallery walk, and then discuss the conclusions we came to.

There will then be one final thing we will be doing with the book.  I'll give you more info on that tomorrow.

By the way, our 3rd quarter Acuity pretest will be Friday.  Word on the street is that we have the mobile lab, so we will be taking care of our pretest in the classroom.  I know 2nd quarter doesn't officially end until next Tuesday, but you guys have always been ahead of the curve.

Had a good meeting today.  We completed our two performance tasks for the third and fourth quarters. Sorry, but you'll have to wait to find out what they are all about.

See you tomorrow.

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