Thursday, March 27, 2014

Standard 3-27-2014

How well do you understand parallel structure?

How quickly can you write or identify figurative language?

How adept are you at spotting the three types of irony?

We will find out soon.  As I mentioned in class today, you will be having an assessment over these three things in the very near future. How ready will you be?

We read "The Gift of Laughter" by Allan Sherman today.  Be sure to bring it to class tomorrow because we will be using it as the source material for our practice chat tomorrow. We want to make sure no one is nervous about using or unsure how to use the Canvas chat program. Any concerns or questions will be addressed tomorrow.

Speaking of the chat, you need to have your story selected by tomorrow.  I'll be asking for the titles in class. You also need to have it read by Monday.  In addition, you need to have 4-5 open-ended discussion questions so you can participate in the chat effectively.

See you soon.

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