Thursday, November 13, 2014

Peer Edits

I like the work that we were doing today in the honors classes.  Focusing groups of four on editing a paper can be powerful.  There is little that will get by four pairs of eyes, and the depths that you were hitting were impressive.  We'll be continuing our editing process tomorrow.  I'll be having you work on the papers over the weekend with an eye on turning them in, say...Tuesday.  You can use the time wisely by

-coming to the discussion with specific questions
-knowing what areas you need help with
-focusing on the big ideas...what is really important
-listening when someone else is talking
-analyzing the piece together

Don't forget to read your classic and work on your cohesive writing assignment.  8 down 92 to go.

In the standard class I shared the rubric with you.  Here's another link to it.  We also started the writing of our final theme essay.  It's still in draft form but you should be busy tonight typing at least one page of material.

Think through your arguments:

Are they actually supporting my theme?
Is my evidence doing what I need it to do?
Did I fully analyze that evidence and explain the point or is there more that I can do?

Good writing takes time and I know you can take the time to write well.

Be reading your novel as well.

Until next time...

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