Monday, December 1, 2014

Paper Returns and Debate/Presentation Rubrics

In the first period honors class, we had only 12 students due to the band field trip.  We pushed so those of you that were absent will need to get the notes from your peers and complete a bit of work outside of class.

Due to the number of usage errors in the theme papers, we started the honors class with a semi-colon refresher.  We discussed independent clauses, coordinating conjunctions, conjunctive adverbs and went through several student examples.  If any of this sounds foreign to you, you should be sure to ask questions tomorrow.

We then discussed the theme papers and highlighted a strong one.  It wasn't flawless but it demonstrated deep insight into the theme and offered a strong set of insightful arguments.

I returned the papers and the students began their reflections.  The reflection is where the real learning takes place because it allows the writer to become more strategic and intentional on future writings.  We didn't complete these reflections today so we will start with them tomorrow.

We ran out of time to go over the rubrics for the debates and presentations.  I've included a link or them here.  You can look them over here and come with any questions tomorrow.  Debates/Presentations will begin on Friday, December 5.

Satire assignment will be due Monday, December 8.

We will be starting our Author Essay tomorrow.

In the standard class we reviewed several techniques that authors use to convey a stronger message in their stories.  It will be important for you to understand what these techniques are if you are to write an effective author essay.  We will be starting our Author Essay tomorrow.

We then went over the rubrics for the debates and presentations. You can find a link to them here.  Afterwards, you had time to work with your partner on the debate/presentation.  Use your time wisely over the next few days.  Our first debate/presentation will be made on Friday, December 5.

See me with questions.

Until next time...    

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