Friday, January 30, 2015

MLK and X BSing

The honors class took small group looks at MLK and Malcolm X today with the goal being to start organizing ideas on how these two are similar and different.  Good small group discussions took place and great ideas were produced.

This weekend the honors students should each write two pages in the writer's notebook where they do some BSing (brainstorming) and exploring of the material they developed in class with their small groups and on their own.  This is not a formal paper organized into paragraphs etc. etc.  This is a written attempt for you to organize your thinking, see what you have going for you so far, demonstrate what you know and don't know.

Bring it to class on Monday ready to share your thoughts and responses.

Read Warriors Don't Cry.  To keep pace you should be reading chapter 4 pages 33-46.

In the standard class a lot of focus was on chapter 7 in Warriors Don't Cry.  It's a pretty intense chapter.  You shared some of the things that surprised you that in turn generated some decent discussion, especially in period three.  Questions were asked as well as we further our understanding of Melba and the Little Rock 9 situation.

This weekend be sure to read Chapter 8 pages 90-106.

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