You are so very close to being finished with the Influential Person Multi-Media Event (IPMME).
As you are recording your paper on Screencast, remember to begin by recording a slowly scrolled video of your entire paper, including the works cited, in case the fifteen minutes you are allotted turns out not to be enough. If the fifteen minutes is not enough, do not panic or worry. I will still assess your entire paper through the video you shot at the beginning.
If you are reading this you are probably ready to submit the Screencast of the IPMME to Canvas. Let's go through it one more time.
After you've recorded on Screencast, you'll want to save it. Select DONE on the Screencast next to the recorder button.
A window will pop up that asks how you want to save it. Select the option that says "Save as video file".
It should say that the type of file you are saving is an MP4...great.
On this screen you should also give it a name. The name I would like you to give it would be your first initial, last name and name of your IP (example: POMalleyWalt Disney).
It also asks you where to save it on this screen. The desktop would be a good choice for ease of access.
You should then click "Publish".
A new window will pop up saying it is being published. This could take a bit, depending on the length of the video.
Once it is published you can either play the video one more time or press DONE.
After you press DONE, you'll want to upload the published MP4 file you saved to your desktop to Canvas.
Open Canvas and go to the assignment titled "The Influential Person Multi-Media Event".
Click on the UPLOAD ASSIGNMENT button and follow the directions. You should be good to go.
Congratulations! You are finished. Now if you have any concerns or doubts, bring what you need to class tomorrow so that we can be sure it is uploaded correctly by the end of class. Can't wait to start viewing the IPMMEs!
If you look on Canvas later today, I will have the rubric posted and broken down by points.
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