Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Active and Passive Voice

Honors and Standard: Today in both classes we looked at the differences between active and passive voice. We realized that the active voice is preferred because it emphasizes the main part of the sentence doing the action and makes for a clearer and more effective sentence.  Quick, which sentence written below is active and which one is passive?

After a long, hard workout, I came home and chugged the water by the refrigerator.

After a long, hard workout, the water by the refrigerator was chugged by me.

Let me know which one you identified as active voice tomorrow, and I'll give you a Tootsie Roll.

Here's a link to the presentation you saw in class today.  

We also continued to wrap up our debates and presentations (period one is finished!).  We'll complete some more tomorrow and hopefully are completely finished by Thursday.  These presentations should be amazing considering all the extra time you've had to prepare.

I also shared with several of you that the compare/contrast paper will be moved to later in the third quarter and be written over completely different material.  No more "Treasure of Lemon Brown" or "The Bet" or "The Monkey's Paw".  Good stories, but it's time to move on.  Since this tended to be met with cheers, I assume you agree with me.

See you all tomorrow.

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