Thursday, January 15, 2015

Brown vs. the Board of Education


We took the active/passive voice quiz and there were 100%s everywhere!  Great job!

We reviewed still got it.

We learned four of the most important words in our nonfiction unit:

Source (or APES if you will).

These four words fit nicely with the CRAAP Test you used last year.

Then time was racing away from us so we shared the essential question for our nonfiction/Civil Rights/prejudice unit:

Does one person have the power to make a difference in the fight against prejudice?

...but we will be talking about it in depth next week.

Instead, we jumped to our Brown versus the Board of Education research.  It is an integral part of our upcoming readings and discussions so it's important to understand it and the impact it had on American society.  With that in mind, I assigned you to research the court case in preparation for a discussion.  Here are the list of discussion points you need to research for tomorrow's Brown vs. The Board of Education discussion.  Remember each of you needs to have a minimum of one page of notes.

Brown versus The Board of Education (Topeka, Kansas, 1954)

1) Identify what it is

2) Identify key players in the event (both sides)

3) Find compelling quotes from the event itself and from those involved (both sides)

4) Identify why it was important and the immediate impact it had (be specific)

5) Identify its relevancy today (be specific)

Can't wait to hear what you discovered.

In the standard classes we reviewed active and passive voice and saw a dramatic climb in our comprehension.  Be ready for a quiz over it tomorrow.

We read an article on why we should celebrate the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.  You have two questions to answer for tomorrow.

1) Based on the information in the article, why do we celebrate MLK Day?

2) When is it okay to break the law?

Responses to those two questions will be your tickets in tomorrow.  Come prepared.  There's a lot to discuss.

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