Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Inserting Quotes and Writing Leads

Hey everyone, here is a link to the slides we looked at today.

Honors: Glad to see so many of you pleased with the rewrites you did last night.  I saw a lot of people unpack the evidence and explain it well.  More evidence was added.  Better arguments were made. Clarifying discussion were had.  Great work.

After looking at last night's work we focused on ways to insert quotes more effectively. We stressed the importance of identifying sources so that the reader grasps their credibility and the value of offering information to angle the evidence for the readers when using a quote.  We discussed the use of brackets and ellipses and pointed out strong verbs to use when sharing evidence because we know that not all evidence is created equally.  

Finally, five or six ways to start papers were discussed which then became the focus of the homework tonight. Even if you already have an intro written, I want you to use two of the approaches we discussed in class and come up with new introductions for your paper.  We will examine those tomorrow.

I also promised a solid 30 minutes to work on your nonfiction group presentations tomorrow as well.

Standard: We again duplicated much of the work going on in the honors class today.  I'd like to see you come into class with two new, unique introductions for sharing and discussing.  Can't wait to see the results.

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