Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Standard 03-06-2013

Okay, so we got a little reprieve from ISTEP today.  I know I didn't mind too much.  I grabbed an extra hour of sleep.  Invigorating.  No such luck tomorrow, though.  Barring unforeseen circumstances, school will be on schedule and ISTEP will take place.  One 55 minute test is all you have left.  Based on past tests it will incorporate a few short answers and an essay.  Just like Tuesday, you'll want to answer the questions fully, support your responses well, and follow those tips from a few blogs ago.

Tomorrow will be a busy day.  You need to have the article from respectable source on your book.  We need to finish those prompts over your will-it-be-a-classic books.  We also should spend a bit of time going over those elegies:  20 lines, rhymes and rhythm, lots of good detail.

We are selecting presentation days on Friday.  The very first presentations will be Wednesday, March 13.  You need to be ready well before that so that you and your partner can prepare.

Remember the differences we discussed today between the points-of-view.

First person-a character in the story (usually the main character) narrates the tale and uses first person pronouns (I, me, mine, we, etc.)

Second person-a rarely used perspective which relies on second person pronouns (you, yours)

Third person limited-the narrator is not in the story and knows everything about one character in the story utilizing third person pronouns (he, she, they, etc.)

Third person omniscient-the narrator is not in the story and knows everything about any character in the story utilizing third person pronouns (he, she,they, etc.).  This perspective is often referred to as the god point-of-view because the narrator knows all.  Omniscient means all  knowing.

Sleep well tonight so you can test well tomorrow.  See you tomorrow.

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