Monday, November 17, 2014

Honors Thematic Essay Due Date Approaches

In less than 48 hours you will have handed in your thematic essay...if you are in an honors class.  Today we completed our group of four peer edits and spent some time revising our papers.

We also introduced the idea of syllogisms.  We defined syllogism as a form of reasoning where a conclusion is drawn from two given or assumed propositions.  As an example we used a classic syllogism from Socrates:

All humans die.

Socrates is a human.

Therefore, Socrates will die.

Since the first two statements are true, we can conclude that the third statement would be true. However, that is not always the case.  Sometimes the logic in a syllogism is faulty.  

Mindy is nice to me.

I like Mindy.

Therefore, Mindy likes me.

While the first two statements are true, the conclusion is not necessarily valid. Mindy might be nice to me just because she is a nice person.  She may not like me or even know me.  While the second example is still a syllogism, it is an invalid one.

You need to look for this kind of faulty logic and reasoning showing up in your papers.  Be sure you read your essay carefully and remove any logical fallacies from your writing.

Tonight you should push this paper to the brink of final draft submission.  We will look at the paper for one more day tomorrow, but then the final draft should be printed off and handed in on Wednesday.

Don't forget to read your classic and work on your cohesive writing assignment as well.

In the standard class we did some quick peer editing of our rough drafts.

After that we saw how authors might use some literary techniques to help them develop their themes. Some of the examples of literary techniques they might use include:

parallel structure
similes and metaphors
sentence length
descriptive words and sentences

You made a plan to revise your papers for tonight and to read some more of that novel of yours as well.  Be thinking about the classic issue as you read.

Until next time...

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