Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Closer Look at Acuity Questions

In the honors class we looked at our Acuity questions.  How'd we do?  Well, as expected, we seemed to do better when we talked them through as a group. The test is tricky, and when it asks for the "best" answer, sometimes it can get confusing. Bouncing ideas off someone else will always help.  But that help won't be there when you settle in to take the test yourself so be sure to:

-revisit the text often
-read it closely
-talk yourself through the questions and the responses
-eliminate two options quickly
-don't over think your responses

Realize that the people involved in the creation of the Acuity test are also responsible for the creation of the new ISTEP.  The more practice you get on the these types of tests, the better you should do come ISTEP time.

We talked quickly about the coming Classic Presentation.  As promised here is the link to the Classic Presentation!

Read it over and come to class tomorrow with any questions you might have.

Tonight you should read that classic.

In the standard class we continued editing our peers' papers.  There is a lot of good discussion going on but you want to be sure you look at the development of the ideas and the support being offered along with the spelling or capitalization errors.

Tonight you should rewrite your paper to make it the best it can possible be.  We'll do a bit more editing and revising tomorrow before officially collecting the papers on Monday.

Tonight you should revise and read that novel.

Until next time...

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