Friday, November 21, 2014

Dashes and Cohesive/Circular/Echo Writing

In the honors class it was all about the dash today.  Okay I answered some questions about the upcoming classic assignment and I had you reflect on a recent timed writing, but then we dived into the dash headfirst.

We discussed how it is differentiated from the hyphen and stressed the three times the dash should be used.  If you want to review, click on this link on the dash presentation.  We looked at the difference between the en-dash and the em-dash and our discussion culminated in a one question quiz.  We looked at the question from the Acuity test on dashes—the one that I missed—and our results were amazing.  We went from 22/100 answering correctly on last month's test to over 70/100 getting it correct today.  Bravo!  Now we need to get the rest of you to understand fully.

Be sure to read that classic this weekend and start organizing your ideas for the debate/presentation.

In the standard class we did one last edit.  You are going into the weekend with one final push to make your theme essay the very best it can be. Look at the rubric and assess yourself.  What do you need to work on?  Where can you improve?  Who can you show your paper to in order to see how strong it is?  This is a 100 points, so you want to do well.

We looked at cohesive writing today too. We could also call it circular writing or echo writing, but regardless of its name, it occurs when you echo an idea you use in your introduction by repeating it in your conclusion.  Here is a link to an example I created.  Try and do this with your writing.  Look at your lead and conclusion and try to tie them together.  Professional writers do it, so it's not a bad idea to copy.

Be sure to polish up that final draft this weekend.  Print it out with double spacing.  Can't wait to see them.

Read some of that novel too.

Until next time..

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