Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Honors 08-28-2013

Just wrapped up a good evening of meeting a lot of your parents.  It went by quickly but it was effective.  Now get them all to send me that email so that I can contact them easily.

It's after 8:30 so let's make this quick.  Tomorrow, we are in the IMC.  Each one of you will be checking out at least one book.  If you need a recommendation, juts let Me or Mrs. Burnette know.  We'd both be thrilled to help you.

We'll return to class and collect the Writer's Autobiographies.  Remember to include all the drafts, type it, double space, have the proper heading, offer a creative title, introduce the paper, focus on one idea, develop that idea fully, have a point/purpose for choosing that idea, close the paper, and have the rubric I passed out to you on the back of the instruction sheet.  Sounds like a lot, but I'm confident you can do it.  It'll be worth 25 points--not a lot,but, hey, it's your first submission.

We'll then transition to our discussion of the utopia article.  Remember to read it actively (highlight and annotate).  It's your ticket into class tomorrow.  No assignment.  No entry.  You'll also need your two comments and two questions.  I'll be looking for them at the door before you enter.  Once inside we'll be breaking the article up into segments to analyze it.  Which segment will you be focusing on?  You don't know, so you better know them all.

Just found out today: Acuity testing is on Friday!

See you soon.

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