Thursday, November 29, 2012

Enriched 11-29-2012

It has begun.  We have started our dive into World War II, the Holocaust, and Elie Wiesel's incredible memoir Night.  Before we crack open the book, however, we need to level the playing field.  Obviously, since some of us were able to quickly identify the initial image of the swastika while others claimed complete ignorance of what it was, it was a good idea to work our way through the basic background of the time, filling in any holes we uncovered along the way.  We all developed questions which will be answered as we move our way through the text.  For an easy to read timeline of the War itself, go to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website.  You'll also find out some basic info on the Holocaust itself at the website.  The site is very reliable and is loaded with info on the material we'll be looking at over the next three weeks.  Lots more to come on this topic.  For now, tell me what holocaust means and I'll sign your Archer card.

We won't be spending any time on the Night preparation tomorrow.  Instead we have a presentation or two of our QBTs, and then we will have an in class work day.  You can read your nonfiction book, work on your QBT, or work on your paper.  You can ask me questions, and I have rubrics for you as well.  We will set a firm due date for the paper.  Be sure to bring what you need to be successful tomorrow.  By the time you leave, you should feel comfortable on both the QBT and the paper.  I'll resist the temptation to give you any additional work tomorrow night.  But you can bet that you'll have some reading and analysis to do for our Night reading Monday evening.  Use tonight and the weekend to get as much done as possible on the nonfiction assignments.  

You all know what gerunds are.  You also have a decent grasp on participles after today.  Quick which one always ends in -ing?  Which one is a verb acting as an adjective?  Which one is a verb acting as a noun?  What are three types of verbals?  What is "to eat"?  If you could answer those questions easily, then you are doing fine.  If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then you better review those notes.

Three weeks until Winter Break after tomorrow.  It's close, but we have a lot to do before then.  Dig deep, work hard, give 100%.  The results will be amazing.

See you tomorrow.

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