Thursday, December 6, 2012

Standard 12-06-2012

A bit of a rough time writing a sentence with a gerund, participle, and an infinitive.  Hopefully you've been doing a little reviewing and practicing.  Remember to come to class tomorrow with a sentence like that on the notecard.  Underline your three verbals and identify which is which.  If you lose your notecard or need another one, swing by class tomorrow before school and pick one up off the filing cabinet by the door.  Remember that a gerund is a verb acting as a noun ending in -ing.  A participle is a verb acting as an adjective USUALLY ending in -ing or -ed.  An infinitive is a verb acting as a noun, adjective, or adverb beginning with the word to.    We'll go over those first thing tomorrow.

We have some QBTs to go through tomorrow.  Here are the inspiring presenters.

Period Three-Kiernan Karch; William Martin; Jordan Vargo

Period Four-Veronica Procaccino; and then I'm a bit confused by what I wrote down but the other presenters will come from this grouping: Kelsey Johnson; John Wantuch; Catherine Hauck; Nicole Hiler; Noah Bradish

Then we will wrap up our intro to the book Night, pass the books out, and begin reading them together.  You'll have an assignment over the weekend to read and type something.  The book will be yours.  You'll write your names in them and be expected to highlight and annotate (text code) as you read.

Can't wait to start!  See you tomorrow.

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