Thursday, February 27, 2014

Honors 02-27-2014

We introduced hubris today.  Do you remember what it is?  I hope so.  Bad trait to have because it often leads to an individual's downfall.  The person can't imagine he would fail in any way, so he doesn't prepare as if it is possible and soon enough, the inevitable happens.  Just look at Ozymandias and Justin Bieber, two of our in class examples.  Their excessive pride and self-confidence lead to their crashing and burning.

We started reading "The Bet" today.  We thought aloud and I found it interesting to see what was going through some of your minds as you were reading.  Good stuff.  Some of you could be thinking a little more, or at least talking a little more about what you are thinking.  You are going to have a good chance to think and talk about "The Bet" tomorrow on the following topics:

  1. Would you take the bet? Explain why or why not?
  1. Was the bet fair? Explain.
  1. Identify the conflicts and the types of conflict in the story.
  1. Identify some irony in the story. There are plenty of examples.
  1. How do the lawyer's reading interests shift over the 15 years. Why do you think they follow the course they do?
  1. What happens during the fifth year the lawyer is locked up? Why do you think this occurs?
  1. Why does the lawyer spend so much time on the New Testament? Explain.
  1. Does the lawyer change over the course of the story? Explain your answer.
  1. Does the banker change over the course of the story? Explain your answer.
  I have a few others as well, but that is enough to get you thinking for class tomorrow.  Be ready to discuss.

See you soon.

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