Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Honors 03-05-2014

Guess we don't know the gospels as well as Mr. Chekhov hoped we would.  Difficult to understand why the lawyer spent a year reading the four books if you don't know what's in them.  No matter what your faith, the stories are important to know for your future understanding of the literature you will be exposed to in high school and college.  Just saying.

While the small group discussions weren't as consistently strong today, our class follow-up conversations made up for it.  Good insight.  (And yes, Luke Norris, you should sign up for the PSAT and/or SAT as soon as possible.)  We'll be wrapping up our discussion of "The Bet" Friday, AND we will have a little writing as well.  I want you thinking about "Ozymandias" and "The Bet".  More later.

Glad to hear the positive reception to the creative writing idea I threw at you yesterday.  Looks like we will add that to the calendar. More info to come on that later.  Because first...

We must take care of our IWAP.  Tomorrow you should have the complete draft typed and in class.  Before we do any reading or editing, I will be checking to make sure we all have the paper. Should be five easy points.  Look over the rubric.  How solid is your paper?

In Lab C tomorrow.  Make it a good day.

Can happiness be bought?

See you soon.


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