Thursday, March 13, 2014

Standard 03-13-2014

That's a pretty creepy elevator story if you ask me.  It had me nervous the first time I read it.  And why is that?  Because the author, William Sleator, is very adept at creating suspense.  Be it the dark, unstable, confined space of the elevator, the hideously odd characteristics of the fat lady or the painfully slow countdowns he employs, Sleator's writing packs a wallop.  You did a decent job today highlighting the different ways the author created suspense.  We needed another fifteen minutes, but the message came across: you guys are good with suspense.

We won't get to see each other again until Monday, so be sure you do some reading.  Look for suspenseful elements in your book, the television show you watch or the film you rent.  You'll be engaged in more suspenseful reading once you return.  Is the old trinket really a magical talisman or is it just a cute souvenir?

See you soon.  

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