Monday, March 3, 2014

Standard 03-03-2014

Some good work in class today but there is plenty of evidence that we have our work cut out for us.  Most of you did a wonderful job completing the book.  Now you need to produce for the project.  Here are a few pointers.

1) Do not let the creative display take precedence over the information.  The creative presentation is important but it takes a back seat to the other information you need to include.

2) Do not copy anything from any other source.  If anyone is found to have plagiarized any information for this project he/she will receive a failing grade.  Yes, it is easy to find out if you plagiarized, so do not do it.

3) Don't offer a summary that is too detailed and lengthy.  But don't offer a summary that is too vague and incomplete.  Identify the top ten to fifteen things that happened in your text and share them in proper sequence.  Only what is important.  Not the details.

4) For the characterization you need to be sure you are offering a couple traits for your protagonist at the beginning of the text along with cited supporting quotes.  You should identify how the protagonist is dynamic. Then you should offer the new trait the protagonist has and offer cited support for it as well.

5) Work on this at home!

We will have one more work day in the lab tomorrow.  Come prepared to get stuff done.

See you soon.

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