Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Enriched 2-05-2013

Good to see so many of you have already looked at the pictures for the Project Imaginat10n assignment.  Allison Riggs already turned in her typed picture choice and theme.  Michael Knutson already wrote a rough draft of his scene and poem!  Maybe I should move that due date up?  Just playing.  Remember, I want the photo choice and theme by Friday.  Once you submit, you are locked in to that choice, so don't be rash.

Speaking of rash behavior, how about the lawyer and banker in "The Bet"?  Both acted rashly several times during the story, but there's one thing the lawyer did that definitely wasn't rash.  Tell me what that is tomorrow before class, and I'll sign your Archer card.

Good discussions today on the short story.  A couple key ideas that were discussed were the significance of the fifth year (he could've been out!), the personality of the banker (it stayed the same, the jerk!), and the theme of the story (Ha! not gonna tell you because...)

...because that is tied into the writing for tonight.  What connections do you see between the story "The Bet" and the poem "Ozymandias"?  Type up a paragraph that explains a connection between the two--specific references to the text are, of course, always a must.  This is a ten point assignment.  Be sure to offer a valid connection that is well developed.

Papers were returned today.  If you want to rewrite the paper (only scores below 45/50), come and see me before next Tuesday.  You can raise your grade to a 45/50.  If you want to fix the works cited, just correct it on your own (unless you have questions) and bring it into me with the original.  You can earn up to 10/10 on the works cited.

Tomorrow...whew...a second long term assignment is coming your way.  Good thing?  No papers are involved ( I can't say no writing because you'll be writing down notes and ideas and thoughts).  You already have a long term writing assignment, so any guesses what this will involve?  You'll find out tomorrow.

In addition to the previous paragraph, we'll look at your connection writings, spend some time in the IMC, and cover a couple more things in our quick time together.

Oops!  Almost forgot.  Here's a link to the movie Bryce Dallas Howard created from the eight winning photographs from last year's Project Imagin8ion.  It's about 28 minutes long.  If you have time, check it out.  Did she use the pictures the way you thought she would?  See if you can find all eight photos.  Let me know what you think.

See you tomorrow.

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