Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Enriched 02-27-2013

I'm back!

Two Weeks!

I had no idea that it would take two weeks for me to write my next blog.  But our four day weekend, my 103 degree temperature, and just my overall feeling of malaise definitely put a crimp in my writing. The voice has pretty much returned, so it's time for the the blog to return as well.

Where have we been?  All over, I know.  Saki.  O. Henry.  Stein.  Bradbury.  Let's start there.  You began a quick analysis of "There Will Come Soft Rains" today in class.  You tried to come to some understanding on what exactly happened in the story and why Bradbury utilized so much personification.  Tomorrow you'll be looking at the drastic mood shift that occurs in the tale as well.  We'll discuss those elements before leading into your next timed writing.  It's going to be over the story.  That's all I'm telling you tonight.  Know the story inside and out, listen to our discussion tomorrow, then be ready to write about it.

ISTEP is coming next week.  You'll have two 55 minute writing prompts.  Another timed writing practice before you dive into ISTEP can only be a positive experience.  But just like you don't know what's coming for ISTEP, I'll keep you guessing a bit on this prompt as well.  I'll admit, the astute individual will probably be able to figure out what the basic prompt will be for our timed writing.  Are you astute?

Think about our last timed writing that we did in class that I did not assess.  You discussed and analyzed the writings in small groups.  Remember what the successful papers had.  Remember what the successful papers did.  Realize that you can be successful too.

Thanks for the input on the Classic Debate rubrics.  I'll organize your ideas and come up with a suitable rubric to help you present the info as clearly and effectively as possible.  Sometime next week we'll be assigning dates for you to make your presentations.  The first presentations will be on March 11.  Read those books.  There will be no excuses accepted about being unable to debate because you have not yet completed your book.

Wow!  30 days ago March 8 seemed pretty far away.  Today, it's a mere 8 days.  That's when your completed scene and poem for Project Imaginat10n are due in class.  I've read several scenes.  Most seem to have the right idea--have good starts--but be unacceptably brief.  Too many areas that can be fleshed out and developed to heighten your themes are being glossed over.  Write your scene, and then go back and flesh the heck out of it.  Don't add info to the beginning.  Don't add info to the ending.  Pick out the central part of your scene and bring it to life.

Remember, your poem needs to be completely different from your scene.  The only connection is your theme.  Show me how creative and insightful you can be by producing two completely different pieces that nail the same theme.

That's it for now.  I'm feeling rusty.  Hopefully, after a good night's sleep, the voice will be even better tomorrow.  See you then.

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