Monday, February 4, 2013

Enriched 02-04-2013

Well, there you have it!  (I found more explanation points.) Project Imaginat10n is in your hands.  Have you checked out the photos yet?  Here's the Project Imaginat10n link in case you don't have the assignment sheet.  

I really liked that Good Will Hunting scene we looked at today.  The opening image made for a perfect photo: the backs of two men staring at a lake in a park.  Once the scene started, you could tell the two men had a tense relationship.  But who were they?  What was their relationship?  What was said about the painting?  What happened next?  All are legitimate questions that weren't answered just by viewing the scene; yet, the scene itself was still very powerful.  When the Robin Williams character starts talking about holding the hand of a loved one dying from cancer, anyone listening (or reading if it were your scene) would be in silent awe.  Even in the short scene, the theme (you need to experience life, not just read about it in books) comes across easily.  That's what I want you to be able to do with this assignment.

Choose that photo and identify your theme by this Friday.  Then you can start working on that scene and center it around the picture and theme.  The poem comes later; for now, focus on the scene.

Promise: we will wrap up our discussion of "The Bet" tomorrow and I will assign the paragraph on the short story and the Shelley poem.  All the more reason to look at the photos tonight.

Papers will be returned tomorrow.  Surprisingly, the number one concern is still the citation.  Too many decent papers were torpedoed by citation errors.

See you tomorrow.

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