Monday, October 7, 2013

Honors 10-07-2013

Hello, Honors Classes!

Mixed bag on the Fairy Tale Allegory Analysis today.  Some of you demonstrated that you had been working hard and developing the project at home.  You then used your time wisely in the editing process in class and made some serious headway towards creating an insightful analysis that will generate a super assessment.  Others of you had a disappointing showing coming to class with minimal work completed and then using the time ineffectively.  Lessons will be learned, namely that hard work will be rewarded.

As you complete the analysis remember to present it neatly, offer a one page (no longer) summary, a basic T-chart, and a thorough, thoughtful, insightful analysis.  Due on Wednesday.  Can't wait to see what the results will be.  You want an A?  Here's what I'll be looking for.

25-23 This poster has obviously been neatly planned and designed to heighten the clarity and effectiveness of the information it includes.  The fairy tale and allegory term are clearly, boldly and neatly displayed.  Summary is clearly worded, succinct, and effective.  T-chart is neatly and clearly presented with just the basic information shared.  Allegorical analysis is carefully worded, thorough, and insightful.  Analysis is clear and developed offering specific examples whenever possible.  Analysis is backed by thorough explanations that vividly enhance the understanding of the allegory.  Poster is colorful and includes pictures which support discussion.  Board is utilized effectively with no evidence of cramming or wasted space.  No grammatical errors.

Be sure to read Animal Farm chapters 5 and 6.  Five was supposed to be read for today, but since we spent so much time on the FTAA edits, we'll pick it up tomorrow.  We'll also tap into your one and ones and start filling in our Russian revolution T-chart.  Be thinking about this...

Would the results on Animal Farm be any different if Snowball had run off Napoleon instead of the other way around?

See you soon.

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