Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Standard 10-31-2013

Precise.  Concise.  Vivid.  Can you tell the difference?  Those are terms you need to know since Acuity and ISTEP love to ask questions having you identify which sentence is the most precise or vivid or concise.  Learning those terms can help you do better on those tests.  But even if you can't remember the difference, you should still be able to respond well to the question by selecting the BEST sentence.  Look at the four options and choose the one written the most effectively.  The more you read, the better your chances of identifying that well written sentence.

We definitely had a majority of students siding with Jonas sharing similarities with Jesus.  I think Lois Lowry definitely had Jesus in mind while writing this story.  No they are not exact, but there are too many similarities to write it off as coincidence.

The new writing assignment is in your hands tonight.  I'm sorry for the confusion--especially in period four--but nothing is DUE tomorrow or Friday.  I want you looking over the handout and making some decisions about which topic you will be interested in.  With that in mind, tomorrow you will be doing an activity we were meant to start today, but we didn't get to.  You will be using the big white boards and coming up with options for the different papers.  Use your time wisely and take notes.

That's it for now.  Behave tomorrow.

See you soon.

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