Thursday, October 31, 2013

Honors 10-31-2013

That STEM production was pretty amazing this morning.  I popped in to watch it during my meeting and was impressed.  Hope you enjoyed it.

You started watching Animal Farm--the movie--today.  I know Mr. Alfrey prepped you pretty well for taking good notes.  You need to make sure you are aware of the differences between the film and the text.  But you do not only need to know how the two are different.  You also need to think about why it was changed and how it affected the telling of the story.  Check out the standard again.

8.RL.7 Analyze the extent to which a filmed or live production of a story or drama stays faithful to or departs from the text or script, evaluating the choices made by the director or actors.

That "evaluating the choices" part is going to be central to the paper you will be writing over this topic.  But that writing will come next week.  

Speaking of writing, you can count on finally writing that in-class timed essay tomorrow.  You already know the topic if you read yesterday's blog.   You should be writing it as a scene between the two men.  I want you to use dialogue (punctuate it correctly).  Where are the two men meeting?  What are they  saying to each other?  What do they do?  How does their conversation end?  Look carefully at the poem, the preface, the story, and your notes tonight to be sure you have a good understanding of the interaction that might take place.  The successful piece of writing will be creative, engaging, and correctly punctuated, but more importantly, the successful piece will offer insight into the two men based on what you know about them from our class discussion and the readings.  Quotes from the text are not a necessity, but they could be used.  Specific references are a must.  Regardless, whatever you have the men say or do must be able to be defended by some information in your possession.  Yes, any notes and texts can be referred to during the writing.  No, you can not start writing it tonight and bring it in tomorrow to use.  You will have the entire class to write.  It will be worth 30 points.  i can't wait to see what you write.

See you soon.

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