Thursday, October 3, 2013

Honors 10-03-2013

Hey, I'm getting one of these in early tonight.  Read and enjoy.

Some great conversations today, especially in periods one and six.  You did great work discussing some complex issues and supporting your opinions with information from the text.  While many groups did well I want to especially commend Kelsey Anderson and Maggie Brenneman for their strong, original input. Overall, insightful stuff!

Here are today's prompts.  They are ideas you should definitely be thinking about.

1) Old Major's speech goes from page 6-11. What are five major points he gets across? Why those?
2) Would you consider the speech effective if you were in the crowd?
3) What is the goal of the song? Is it effective?
4) What is the significance of filing through the house of Farmer Brown after the rebellion?
5) How are Mollie's ribbons "a badge of slavery"? (Orwell 17).
6) What do the 7 commandments (24-25) say about mankind?
7) Explain Moses's role?
8) What's on your allegorical T-chart
9) What are the first signs of abuse of power that you already see?
10) How do rebellions start?
11) Their one and ones

12) Why was this rebellion successful? Why compared to others?

We'll continue with a couple of those prompts tomorrow and explore chapters three and four as well.  Maybe we'll do an allegorical check-up tomorrow.  Do you know who Boxer represents? I want you to keep making connections to the Russian revolution, but you should also be seeing how this story resonates through the news today.  Your new assignment will help demonstrate that.  We'll call it the "Ripped From The Headlines" assignment.  You need to select a story from the current news, think about how it relates to the events in Animal Farm, share a quote that supports that connection, and then type it all up in a nice little paragraph.  You'll earn ten points for the solid completion.  I'll give you a question mark (6/10) and a chance to redo it for a 9/10 if you fumble your first attempt.  End result: an A for everyone and a strong understanding of how Animal Farm is still relevant today.

Your allegory assignment (FTAA) is coming up.  Have the complete draft in class on Monday.  We'll tidy it up, tweak it, and be sure you are headed in the right direction.  Final copy: Wednesday.

You should be looking at a Tool Time quiz in your near future.  How about I give you an Animal Farm quiz first?  Nothing major, just a little something to keep you honest.

Most of you are doing an outstanding job highlighting and annotating the text.  Keep it up.

I'll give an Archer card signature to anyone who sings a stanza of "The Beasts of England" to me tomorrow.

See you soon.

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