Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Enriched 10-17-2012

Ah, well, it might have been a bit tedious, but it's an important step on your way to becoming a better student.  Yes, I'm talking about all that student-led conference stuff we did today.  Next week when you discuss all the information and those reflections with Mom and Dad or your guardians, you'll get a better understanding as to who you are as a student.

We discussed the reasons why O'Connell's views were more valid than Gibson's views today in periods five and six, and...well...let's just say we weren't drowning in insight.  I'll give the edge to period five as far as the discussion went.  The discussion group was also peppered with questions more consistently by the audience in period five.  Period one, you will get your chance tomorrow morning, but regardless,  this is a concept we need to revisit, and don't worry, we will.  

I'll reiterate that we did not read those drone articles just to make you aware of drones.  We used them as a tool to discuss different ways writers present their ideas as well as ways to examine themes, support, bias, and balance.  I have a couple Lance Armstrong articles I'm holding back.  We might need to examine those soon, too.  And then there's the potential of a writing assignment in there.  Something like you finding three articles written on the same topic: one balanced, two biased, you discuss the presentation techniques.  Hmmm...could be interesting.

Tomorrow we need to visit the future with the help of Kurt Vonnegut ( I loved him when I was your age!).  He'll introduce us to a young man named Harrison Bergeron.  Harrison is a teenager with problems that are beyond anything you deal with on a daily basis.  Trust me.

We'll hit the Book Fair tomorrow, too, and give Acuity one more look.

Papers are coming along, slowly but surely.  Almost finished with period one.  I'll be starting period five tomorrow.  Period six, over the weekend.  Look for scores on HAC in the next few days.

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