Monday, October 15, 2012

Standard 10-15-2012

We got a good start on our Poem Picture Papers today, but there is plenty more to do.  Seems like one thing we need to focus on is our broad lead.  Several of you were just starting with the claim and using that as the entire introduction.  Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!  Can't do that!  We'll listen to some good leads tomorrow and try our hands at writing our own. 

We'll also spend time focusing on topic sentences.  Each paragraph has to have one.  We'll share another piece or two on the Elmo, have an author's chair or two, and have a little Q and A as well.   

Let's thank Claire Jurkovic and Savannah Scott for sharing their pieces with the classes today.  It's a brave thing to do, but it'll help them and the rest of you no matter what.

Make sure you're doing some Acuity-At-Home. 

Tomorrow we'll work on a bit of Acuity then focus on our papers.  They will be the best papers you've written if you pay attention and try your best.

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