Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Honors 09-10-2013

Making meaning is hard work.  We saw that in a couple ways today.

First your small group discussion of the poem 'The Forecast" left many of you confused by the overall meaning.  What was Jaffe trying to say?  The key wasn't in the technology and definitely wasn't in the weather.  Instead it was about being afraid...fear...what we do to maintain our safety in a world we don't understand.  Was Jaffe's poem upbeat?  positive?  a harsh look at reality?  We'll wrap up our discussion tomorrow.

We also saw a reaction paper or two that weren't quite cutting the mustard.  The ideas might have been okay but the development and explanations were not always clearly presented or well explained.  Challenge yourself to fully flesh out the ideas you are trying to get across.  Then be sure those ideas are clear.  I should start seeing some handed in by tomorrow.

IMC tomorrow.  Bring you books to return and change to pay any fines.

"Harrison Bergeron" tomorrow. What does it mean to be fair?

See you soon.

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