Sunday, September 8, 2013

Standard 09-08-2013

We ran out of time last Friday for typing our papers in class.  Hopefully, you should be coming to class with the finished typed version that you worked on over the weekend.  I know some of you were unable to use Google Docs for a variety of reasons, so hopefully, you typed the papers on your home computers and printed them off so you will have them in class.  We'll edit them using our rubrics and then decide our next step.  Regardless, you will all turn them in no later than Tuesday.

Our combining sentence quiz did not go well.  Sure some of you scored perfect 6s but there were also a slew of 0s.  Many of you will need to review with me and then retake this quiz.  We'll talk more about it in class tomorrow, but be ready to come in early or see me during lunch.

We have a poem "Forecast"and a short story "Old Glory" that we'll be looking at this week.  You'll be reading them actively, discussing them and, yes, writing about them.  They are both good and I want to see how you relate them to "The Pedestrian".

See you soon.

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