Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Standard 09-04-2013

Well, well, well.  I guess we see that we aren't taking advantage of the blog the way we should.  The quiz questions were right here last night.  If only you'd checked...

Intense class today.  You had to have some good conversations to move forward.  Some of you were more successful than others, but by the end of the class, progress had been made by all.  Tonight you'll be writing a paragraph in your language arts notebooks on the purpose of "The Pedestrian".  Through your discussions with your peers you discovered the support you need and hammered out the explanations to be sure the quotes support your claim.  We'll be examining those tomorrow before moving on to stronger/final drafts.

Remember, you should be starting the paragraph off with a claim like the one below:

In "The Pedestrian" Ray Bradbury set out to show that technological advancements can have a negative impact on society.


Ray Bradbury clearly shows the negative impact technology can have on society in his short story "The Pedestrian".

Play with it a bit.  Come up with an original way to state your claim.  After that, you'll need to support the claim with cited, quoted evidence from the text and then clearly, thoroughly explain how the quote supports your claim.  You'll do that a minimum of three times.  Good papers will be easy to identify.

Write well tonight.

See you soon.

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