Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Standard 9-18-2012

Sorry I wasn't in class today.  I was attending a luncheon for my daughter who was the Kiwanis Student Athlete of the Month.  Hey, I'm a proud Dad.  I can brag a little.

Anyway, you learned about flat and round characters.  Don't worry if you are confused.  We'll talk more about them soon.

You also answered some questions on "Lemon Brown".  We'll touch on those tomorrow.   I might be collecting them, so you better have them completed well.  We'll talk about them a bit, but then it will be time to move on. 

I have something different for you tomorrow.  I hope you'll like it.  We'll be using it to make connections to "Raymond's Run" and "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" but it will also be pushing us in a new direction.  Call it a transitional piece. 

We'll be whipping through some figurative language tomorrow as well.  You have plenty of examples.   I'll be looking for the best.

Finally, if you are reading this, you will be the first to know.  Tomorrow in class you will be asked to write four sentences: a simple sentence; a compound sentence; a complex sentence; and a compound-complex sentence.  You will need to include a food (taco, spaghetti, Oreo, milk, tofu) in each sentence. You can't write these ahead of time, but at least you know what's coming.   Now you know.  It pays to read the blog!

Tell me what SHIMP stands for, and I'll sign your Archer card tomorrow.

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